Banks House School
Bright House, 51 Wendene, Bowthorpe, Norwich, NR5 9HA
Head of school: Dawn Wale
Telephone: 01603 742639
Mobile: 07923 119106
School opening times: 08:30 - 16:30
My Voice My Choice My Lifelong Learning
My Voice My Choice My Lifelong Learning 〰️
About our school
Banks House School is split between two locations. A learning centre located within our children’s residential home Banks House and Bright House, a bespoke dedicated learning space.
Learning Centre at Banks House
Bright House
The school determines that a pupil is suitable for Banks House School.
Pupils at Banks House School:
Are Looked After Children, in Public Care and are in the care of Cascade or a Child in Need.
Have a diagnosis of Autistic Spectrum Disorder and a diagnosis of a Learning Disability
Have a moderate, severe or profound learning disability
Has or is in the process of acquiring an EHCP, as set out in the Children’s and Families Act 2014.
Our Ratings
You can find our latest Ofsted Inspection Report below.
In addition to the ratings “the arrangements for safeguarding are effective.”
School Information
School Time table
A typical day at school runs from 9am - 3.30pm with lunch time enrichments available each week day.
Pupils arrive at 9am with registration and sensory activities until 9.30am.
After this the school day involves a variety of sensory based, outdoor activities linked to pupil interest based around a topic theme.
We follow the Equals curriculum for our informal and semi-formal pupils.
Example Time Table
2023 - 2023 Term Dates
School uniform
Each pupil attending school will be provided with a blue school logo T-shirt. We ask that children attend school in comfortable clothing such as joggers and leggings. Jeans are not permitted as we spend lots of time learning outside and wet jeans become very heavy and difficult to get off! Clothes may become dirty during messy play activities so we ask that children don’t wear expensive clothes. Coats and jackets are needed daily for outdoor play. We do ask that pupils have spare clothes and when they are attending trips and visits that they have appropriate clothing and footwear for the visit type.