Our Homes


We don’t provide a nursing home, or a care home … it’s just a home. It looks like one and feels like one because that’s exactly what’s intended.

We make homes that meet our exacting standards and sit at the heart of the community. Homes in ordinary streets with extraordinary facilities, that enable those important steps towards developing life skills, confidence and a better future.

Our homes are a safe haven. They’re a nurturing and inclusive space where residents feel at home and staff feel supported and valued. Every room in every home has been designed to suit individuals’ needs. From sensory lighting to the in-built acoustics of the walls - we’ve made sure that our homes are safe, secure and fun!

Our homes are sociable too! We hold regular events between our homes, with residents - and staff - enjoying BBQs in the summer and learning how to make hearty winter meals in the colder months.

Even better, we have created homes that will encourage adaptive skills, enhance day-to-day life, and broaden horizons.

Banks House

Cascade East Anglia

Charlton House

Cascade East Anglia

Felix House

Cascade East Yorkshire

Moore House

Cascade East Anglia

Stiles / Wilson House

Cascade East Yorkshire

Ramsey House, Norwich

Cascade East Anglia - Coming Soon (2025)

Bonetti House

Cascade East Anglia

Cohen House

Cascade East Anglia

Hurst House

Cascade East Anglia

Peters House

Cascade East Anglia

Armfield House, Norwich

Cascade East Anglia - Coming Soon (2025)

Mintram House, Norwich

Cascade East Anglia - Coming Soon (2025)