AT's Story

If you’re looking for assistance in shaping someone’s life, then Cascade is here to support you. We are very happy to help and will do all we can, but we won’t do anything without the say-so of the person who may be staying here. We speak to them. We’re not trying to take over, simply looking for the right solution for everyone. Parents and carers can drive a situation and, if all goes well, they will be asked to refer to a GP, social worker or other professional. However, the view of our potential resident is critical and we will always move at their pace.
The move into residential services can be emotional not only for the young person coming into our service but also their families and carers. That’s why we welcome parents and carers into our Cascade family.
We understand that your biggest priority is the young person and making sure they’re properly cared for. This is also our biggest priority, which is why we endeavour to build relationships with families and carers.
Regular communication with parents and carers to give updates on progression
Invitations to attend regular reviews, appointments or assessment
We encourage parents to visit the home or organise days out, where Cascade staff can attend to support the young person
Each home is equipped with technology so if face-to-face contact isn’t possible video calls can be used
Families and carers have the opportunity to give feedback on the service through the ‘Friends and Family Questionnaires’. We use this feedback to help influence our service improvement measures
“Without exception, people and relatives praised the service staff for their caring and professional approach. People valued the relationships that they had built up with the management and support workers and we found that they used their initiative and went beyond what was expected to support people.”